Go beyond 'just playing with ChatGPT' and start 'earning with ChatGPT'

The ChatGPT revolution is just getting started. 99% of people are just scratching the surface of ChatGPT and don't know how to unlock the true power of these AI models for wealth creation

The advanced 1% are already using platforms like ChatGPT to make money online. The high-income earners of 2023 and beyond will be the people who can master these AI's

The Sigma Program is a hands-on online course that will put you at the cutting edge of the AI revolution as a ChatGPT power-user, no technical skills required. But your time window to be early to this wave is closing fast


People are making money from ChatGPT?

Yup, and AI's like ChatGPT have the power to reinvent almost every digital business in existence

For the first time ever, the door to these powerful AI's and all their potential for wealth creation is open to you, but you need to master Prompt Engineering - the art of controlling the AI to give you the results you need

Tech leaders and VC's already know this is the career of the future and the single biggest key skill of 2023 and beyond

The Sigma Program will make you a Top 1% Prompt Engineer

  • Most people are just playing around with ChatGPT. The Sigma Program will transform you to an advanced power-user who can rapidly craft custom AI experiences

  • The Sigma Program also contains dozens of actionable and monetisable ChatGPT templates for you to customise and kickstart your business or side hustles

  • You don't need any prior knowledge of AI or any technical skills, just an internet connection. English is the programming language of our new AI-enabled generation

What is The Sigma Program

The Sigma Program is the ChatGPT masterclass for hustlers

Together we will take you from zero-to-hero from scratch with the practical skills you need to change your life through harnessing AI to do the hard work for you

You'll learn by doing and start using ChatGPT immediately, going rapidly beyond the basics and into advanced secret ChatGPT usecases & business templates and even how to build your own ChatGPT apps for AI-supercharged income streams

Ready to use GPT templates
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Now using AI for business

2023 is the year of ChatGPT. Do not miss the boat

The Sigma Program is the first practical masterclass in Prompt Engineering that will get you creating AI-enabled experiences & income streams

What you will learn

How to become a ChatGPT master and get the results you need fast through prompt engineering
Secret advanced usecases and abilities for ChatGPT
Dozens of business and side-hustle ready ChatGPT templates
How to go beyond and create your own ChatGPT apps
A full personal portfolio of ChatGPT projects
And much more
Preview the course 👀
The Sigma Program alumnus, RJ
Since joining The Sigma Program I've generated my first income from new AI-enabled side hustles

“Using what I learned from The Sigma Program I created an online training and nutrition service that uses AI to custom generate personalised plans for customers to meet their individual goals. I can charge happy customers premium pricetags for a premium service and since the AI does the heavy lifting the whole thing basically runs on autopilot and I just collect the payouts”


Serial Entrepreneur
I discovered hidden deeper levels to ChatGPT beyond what 99% of people are asking it

"I played around with ChatGPT before, but always had trouble breaking past the 'parlour trick phase'. The Sigma Program guided me into finding more advanced niche usecases and gave me templates to adapt as a starting point. I now run my entire content creation business in just 2 hours a day"


Digital Nomad & Creator


I know nothing about AI or coding, is that a problem?

Absolutely not! The Sigma Program is designed as a from-scratch masterclass and no prior knowledge of AI or coding is needed

You will learn to leverage AI tools like ChatGPT by mastering the art of prompt engineering

Of course, if you already have prior coding skills, these will be the perfect companion to your new prompt engineering skillset and you'll be able to leverage what you learn here to build fully integrated AI-enabled software!

What is prompt engineering?

Prompt engineering is the most exciting emerging skillset of 2023.

Prompt engineering is the art of designing commands (or 'prompts' as we call them) that will instruct the AI to give you the results you need

When you master prompt engineering it's like a programming language for the entire internet using plain English

People have already achieved amazing things with prompt engineering, including prompt engineering an algorithmic trading bot out of ChatGPT, and prompt engineering ChatGPT to be their lawyer and actually represent them in a court of law! 

Prompt engineers will be the architects of the next wave of technology, but there is a desperate shortage of people that understand the mechanics and advanced nature of prompt engineering

Through The Sigma Program you will become amongst the world's first qualified and truly battle-tested prompt engineers

Do I need to be good at maths?

Not at all, the beauty of the new wave of AI platforms such as ChatGPT is that they abstract away the underlying AI models

You don't need to know any of the maths or AI theory that is going on under the hood of AI platforms such as ChatGPT to get the results you need

Just like how an artist doesn't need to know the exact chemical formula of oil paint to create a masterpiece

With The Sigma Program, you are the artist and architect with the knowledge of virtually the entire internet at your fingertips thanks to platforms like ChatGPT. You just need to learn how to wield your prompt engineering brush to turn your ideas into reality

Is the course theory-driven or practical?

We have a heavy focus on practical skills, we will get you building real world things you can use and show off from day 1

We will teach everything you need to know about the theory of prompt engineering along the way as we build projects together

Our focus is to empower you to take any AI-enabled idea you can think of and turn it into reality, and to set you off with inspiration on what is possible with these technologies

What could I achieve after completing the course?

When you complete The Sigma Program you will be a Top 1% Prompt Engineer in the world, no joke.

Prompt Engineering is one of the hottest growing trends of 2023, it's emerging as a new job title and companies from all digital sectors are hungry for people who can leverage AI platforms powerfully

However another even more exciting path is how AI platforms like ChatGPT are reinventing pretty much every online business.

By selecting & customising one of the dozens of ready-to-use ChatGPT business & side-hustle templates provided within The Sigma Program, you could rapidly set up your very own AI-enabled income streams to supplement your income, start a new business, and improve your life